ABACE in 上海
2015年4月14日から16日にかけて、上海の虹橋国際空港で、ABACE(Asian Business Aviation Conference & Exhibition)が開催された。私も会社の一員として14、15日と会場に出かけ、あらかじめ予定を入れていた海外の会社2社と商談をした。自分で話して交渉できればいいのだが、「英語が不自由」なので、通訳の人に同伴してもらった。そこで出てくる考え方の焦点は、MROとFBO。これが何を意味し、会社がどう関係するかについては、もう少し事態が落ち着いてから報告しよう。
ところでABACEの内容は、簡単にいえば、Business Aviation(BJ機)の展示が行われること、そしてBJ機に関連する様々な会社(製造会社、運航会社、整備会社、備品会社、通信機器会社、チャーター会社、訓練会社、燃料会社等々)がブースを設け、それぞれのサービス、商品を展示、アピールすると共に、必要は商談をすることが主たる目的であり、上級者編としてBJ機に関する発表、ディスカッション等が行われる。われわれは、BJ機とブースを周り、ブースで商談をしたということだ。Conferenceがわれわれにとって意味を持つのはもう少し先になるだろう。
Tokyo’s Airports Gets First Bizav Hangars
by Curt Epstein - April 15, 2015, 7:25 AM
With the Tokyo area beginning preparations to host the 2020 Olympics, its airports are already seeing improvements to handle the expected influx of private aircraft.
Tokyo Haneda International Airport received its first private aviation hangar last month when Wings of Life began operations in a former 12,067-sq-m (129,850-sq-ft) Japan Airlines facility purchased by the company. The hangar features 5,007 sq m (53,894 sq ft) of aircraft storage, and is large enough to shelter aircraft up to a Boeing 747.
In addition to storage, the hangar will provide shelter for private aircraft maintenance activities at the airport, and the company plans to add full FAA maintenance authorization in the future. At present, its JCAB Class 1 certified aircraft mechanic staff can provide assistance, including troubleshooting, parts procurement and mechanical support, along with a full suite of tools and equipment available for rental. The location features available office space, as well as mechanic and crew lounges for handling and maintenance companies to support their work within the hangar.
At Narita, the airport corporation has leased a former 7,655 sq m (82,400 sq ft) JAL maintenance hangar to AGP Corp., which will provide private aircraft storage and accommodate third-party maintenance activities. Limited operations there began at the beginning of February, as the facility undergoes renovation. Like the Haneda hangar, it will be able to accommodate any class of business aircraft.